After their appeal was upheld by the court against Geely, MetroCab are back in the running to supply the next generation of Taxis for London.
MetroCab is an electric vehicle with an internal combustion engine (range extender) powering a matched generator, charging the battery pack, also providing energy directly to the electric motors.
Although Metrocab is fully self-charging while in normal operation, a Portable Electric Vehicle Supply Extension (EVSE) is also available for ‘home’ charging from a domestic mains socket.
A ‘Digital Differential’ replaces the mechanical differential and eliminates the mechanical losses associated with conventional internal combustion and hybrid drive trains, giving improved motor control, traction and performance - with zero maintenance.
Hybrid & Electric Cars: Electromagnetic Radiation Risks
However will still haven’t had any comprehensive report from the manufacturers, TfL or the Mayor, to put our minds at rest over driver health issues, in regards to radiation emissions from the electro magnetic field produced by the bank of lithium batteries that power electric vehicles.
Hybrid and electric cars may be cancer-causing as they emit extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic radiation (EMR) or magnetic fields. Recent studies of the levels of EMR emitted by these automobiles have claimed either that they pose a cancer risk for the vehicles' occupants or they are safe.
Unfortunately, the little research conducted on this issue has been industry-funded by companies with vested interests on one side of the issue or the other which makes it difficult to know which studies are trustworthy.
Meanwhile, numerous peer-reviewed laboratory studies conducted over several decades have found biologic effects from very limited exposures to ELF EMR. These studies suggest that the EMR guidelines established by the self-appointed, International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) are inadequate to protect our health. Thus, even if EMR measurements do not exceed the ICNIRP guidelines, occupants of hybrid and electric automobiles may be at increased risk for cancer and other health problems.
Given that magnetic fields have been considered "possibly carcinogenic" in humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization since 2001, the precautionary principle dictates that we should design consumer products to minimize consumers’ exposure to ELF EMR. This especially applies to hybrid and electric automobiles as drivers and passengers spend considerable amounts of time in these vehicles and health risks increase with the duration of exposure.
In January, 2014, SINTEF, the largest independent research organization in Scandinavia, proposed manufacturing design guidelines that could reduce the magnetic fields in electric vehicles (see below). All automobile manufacturers should follow these guidelines to ensure their customers' safety.
The public should demand that governments adequately fund high-quality research on the health effects of electromagnetic radiation that is independent of industry to eliminate any potential conflicts of interest. In the U.S., a major national research and education initiative could be funded with as little as a 5 cents a month fee on mobile phone subscribers.
Following are summaries and links to several studies and news articles on this topic.
Note that many experts believe the ICNIRP guidelines for maximum general public exposure to electromagnetic fields do not adequately protect the public from health risks
Statement from MetroCab, Wednesday 1st November
Green light for production of world leading tech in Metrocab following case dismissal Bid to block production of the Zero-Emissions Capable Metrocab, designed & manufactured in the UK, fails again after original High Court decision is upheld Ecotive’s Metrocab is now in a position to bring their tried and tested world-leading British innovation into production following the Court of Appeal decision to uphold the original verdict made in 2016.
Mr Justice Arnold, from the London High Court, dismissed the case, in January 2016 which claimed the design of Metrocab copied the shape of “iconic” polluting diesel black cabs on the road.
The judge concluded that there was little similarity between the new Metrocab and conventional TX4 and earlier TX model taxis made by London Electric Vehicle Company (formerly London Taxi Company), owned by the Chinese carmaker Zhejiang Geely.
The Court of Appeal upheld Mr Justice Arnold judgment in full, determining that the London Taxi Company trademarks should never have been registered because they were not inherently distinctive and rejecting the passing off claim.
The Metrocab electric vehicle, which will be manufactured in Coventry, will help improve air quality by tackling emissions of diesel fumes, allowing cities like London to meet international air quality standards.
The Metrocab became London’s first licensed zero-emissions capable taxi in 2014 and took part in a two-year Trial in London, covering hundreds of thousands of miles with 75% zero-emissions operation, substantially enhancing air quality, reducing emissions, and delivering significant fuel savings to drivers.
The Metrocab is fully ready for the introduction of London’s Ultra-Low Emissions Zone and in 2014 introduced a host of new features never before seen on a London taxi, including all-LED lighting;
the London taxi market’s first panoramic glass roof for the passengers;
USB charging; and zero-emissions capable operation.
Following the success of the trial, Metrocab can proceed with production which will bring enormous environmental benefits to London.
Speaking on behalf of Metrocab, a spokesman said: “Metrocab are delighted that the Court of Appeal have upheld Mr Justice Arnold’s original decision.
It is a great pity that unnecessary time has been wasted on a false accusation, especially when we could have been contributing to the improvement of air quality for Londoners, with our innovative and game-changing technology.
We have continued to trial, improve and develop our technology over the last three years with taxi drivers in active service and are extremely proud of our decision to design and develop the entirety of the Metrocab here in the UK.
We are looking forward to getting production up and running in Coventry following the court’s decision.”
The Court of Appeal awarded the following terms for the order:
The Appellant is refused permission to appeal to the Supreme Court
The stay of paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Order of the Honourable Mr Justice Arnold dated Tuesday 9th February 2016, which stay was continued by Order of this Court date 7th February
2017, is extended until disposal of the said appeal to the Supreme Court/disposal of the Appellant’s application for permission to appeal to the Supreme Court;
The Appellant shall pay the Respondents’ costs of and occasioned by the said appeal, to be assessed by way of detailed assessment if not agreed; and
The Appellant is to pay to the Respondents the sum of £125,000 on account of costs such sum to be paid within 14 days.
For further information please contact: Newgate Communications
020 7680 6550
Let's just remind ourselves that the Cornish Tin Mines were closed down decades ago because of the risk to miners health, as lithium is to be found next to the Tin.
Believe it or not, they are actually considering reopening the mines again to harvest he lithium, using miners wearing lead lined spacesuits.
from Taxi Leaks